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同济大学汽车运输专业介绍 同济大学走出过哪些知名校友?


同济大学汽车运输专业介绍 同济大学走出过哪些知名校友?


毕业后 铁路局 、中铁建设局、中铁设计院、物流企业、中铁货物运输企业、地铁公司、货代公司、进出口公司等单位的比较多,还有一些去交通设计单位。学校好一点,就业方面肯定有一定优势。

本科为交通工程的,硕士专业可选交通运输规划与管理、交通信息工程及控制以及道路与铁道工程;本科为交通运输的,硕士可选载运工具运用工程或者交通运输规划与管理。 本科是交通运输,考研可以选择道路与铁道工程专业,主模渣要是道路与铁路的设计、施工等。


交通运输专业 培养具备 运筹学 、管理学、交通运输组织学等方面知识,能在国家及省、市的交通运输管理部门、交通运输 企事业单位 等从事交通运输组织、指挥、决策,交通运输企业生产与经营管理的高级技术人才。

除握码升了微积分、 线性代数 、力学等基础课程之外,高校的交通运输专业一般还会开设运筹学、管理学、交通运输组织学方面的课程。另外,根据培养方向不同,学生还会学到轨道相关知识、民航相关知识或汽车相关知识等。在很多学校,交通运输专业课程还会加入交通运输信息化相关的内容,以适应社会段老的人才需求。

总的来说,交通运输专业是一个实用性很强,专业性很强,需要扎实的 理工科 基础的专业。虽然该专业对考生的要求根据高校层次不同,也有所区别,但总体来说是个“技术含量很高”的专业。

参考资料: 百度百科:交通运输专业


同济大学汽车运输专业介绍 同济大学走出过哪些知名校友?









同济大学汽车运输专业介绍 同济大学走出过哪些知名校友?

主要课程:大学英语、高等数学、机械制图、机械原理、理论力学、材料力学、机械册源设计、电工与电子技术、计算机辅助设计、汽车构造、汽车理论、内燃机理论、汽车设计、汽车试验学。 论文选题应来源于生产实际或具有明确的工程背景与应用价值。课题应围绕车辆的研究、开发、*、检测、试验、使用管理及与车辆生产检测有关的仪器设备的开发或车辆设计分析所用大型通用软件的开发研究等。
学位论文中所解决的问题要有一定的技术难度和足够的工作量,取得的成果要有先进性,能充分表现出作者具有综合运用所学知识解决实际问题的能力。 车 辆 工 程 ,英文名:Vehicle Engineering。

授予学位:工学学士 可从事汽车整车及零部件的设计开发、车身及造型设计、车辆电子技术应用、车辆的性能测试与试验研究、汽车*工艺、工装以及生产管理等技术工作;可在交通运输及管理等部门从事车辆维修管理工作;也可从事相关的教学及科研工作。
主要去向为整车厂(一汽、东风、上汽等),零部件厂商(大陆、延峰、联电)和汽车检测中心,应届生月薪在4000左右,整体上看处于各行业中等水平。 中国车辆工程最强相关企业
企业名称 企业性质 企业评级 中国第一汽车集团特大型中央直属企业 6★中国中车股份有限公司 特大型中央直属企业 6★东风汽车集团 特大型中央直属企业 5★长安汽车集团特大型中央直属企业下属子公司5★上海汽车集团 地方大型国有企业 5★北京汽车集团 地方大型国有企业 4★广州汽车集团 地方大型国有企业 4★ 西南交通大学 铁道部重点学科 同济大学 铁道部重点学科 兰州交通大学 铁道部重点学科 北京交通大学 铁道部重点学科 中南大学 铁道部重点学科 Vehicle Engineering
Vehicle Engineering is concerned with the theory, design, and manufacturing of land vehicles such as automobiles, tractors, locomotives, trucks, military vehicles and other work vehicles. The department which grants the master’s degree trains advanced engineers in the research, development, manufacture, and maintenance of equipment and instrumentation of the vehicles. Major course topics include political theory, foreign languages, engineering mathematics, vibration *ysis, computer applications, vehicle system dynamics, vehicle vibrations, noise *ysis and control, vehicle electronics, electrical-hydraulic control systems, vehicle body design, automatic tran*ission theory, vehicle drive chain system control and optimization, vehicle reliability and safety, vehicle testing and *ysis, vehicle design and optimization, drivetrain design and optimization, design and optimization of locomotives, vehicle emission measurement and control, etc.
I. Introduction
Vehicle Engineering is an important engineering technology field, focusing on the theory, design and technology problems of mobile machines on land including automobile, tractor, locomotive vehicle, military vehicle and engineering vehicles. Widely used in modern society, the vehicle not only affects the development of the transportation industry and automobile industry which is one of the pillar industries in our country but also has a profound impact on modernization of agriculture and national defensive equipment. Vehicle Engineering ranges from original mechanics, mechanical design, material, hydrodynamics and chemistry to current mechatronics engineering, mechanical design and theory, computer, electronic technology, testing metrological technology and control technology, which are not only mutually infiltrating but also further integrating with medicine, physiology and psychology. It has developed into a comprehensive discipline including multiplicate high technologies and engineering technology fields.
II. Program Objectives
The general objective of the specialty is to tumout high-level engineers and technicians who can work in the field of vehicle engineering including research and development, engineering design, tackling key problem and technology alteration, and spreading and applying new technology. Engineering masters in this field must have well-knit basic knowledge and systematic professional knowledge, know the actuality and development trend of this discipline, understand modern design theory of vehicle, mechanic-electronic-hydraulic incorporate technology, modern electronic technology, modern control technology, modern testing technology and necessary experimental ability, master a foreign language, and can *oothly read technological information and literature in this field.
III. Scope of the Field
According to the features of the vehicle industry, this field includes the following aspects: design and manufacturing of automobile and tractor, design and manufacturing of military vehicle, design and manufacturing of locomotive vehicle and design and manufacturing of engineering vehicle and energy power.
According to the features of the work, the scope of this field can be divided into: research and development of vehicle, manufacturing and process of vehicle, performance testing, experiment and *ysis of vehicle, use, management, protection and maintainence of vehicle, development of testing instruments and equipment related to production and testing of vehicle.
IV. Curriculum
Basic courses: scientific sociali*, dialectic of nature, foreign language, engineering mathematics (numerical method, matrix algebra, applying statistics).
Basic technical courses: vibration *ysis foundation, design of advanced language program, computer technology and application, modern testing technology and *ysis, modern design technology, structural fatigue strength *ysis.
Specialized courses: systematic dynamics of vehicle, systematic *ysis and modern design method of vehicle, yawp *ysis and control of vehicle vibration, vehicle testing technology and *ysis, electronic technology of vehicle, electronic-hydraulic control system and computer control technology of vehicle, structural *ysis and computer aided design of bodywork, automatic tran*ission theory, vehicle powertrain control and optimizing, vehicle malfunction diagnosis technology, vehicle security, panorama of vehicle industry development, vehicle power assembly, economic *ysis of vehicle technology and environmental protection.
The above courses can be chosen as degree courses and non-degree courses. Through negotiations between the training unit and home enterprise, the curriculum can be revised properly, and some selective courses will be available as well.
V. Thesis
The subject of the dissertation must be based on production practice with explicit engineering background and application value. The tentative subjects include the research, development, manufacture, testing, experiment and usage management of vehicle and the development of instruments equipment related to vehicle production and testing, or the development of large-scale universal software used for vehicle design *ysis.
The format of the dissertation may be engineering design paper or researching paper. Engineering design paper may be the fruit of new production design and development technology, including comparison and evaluation of design scheme, design computing information, economic technology effect *ysis and so on. As to vehicle testing and experiment, the paper should include experimental scheme, integrated experimental data, data processing *ysis method and result *ysis. Researching paper should include a certain theoretic *ysis content, conducting comparison *ysis connected with experimental results, proving the correctness and validity of the method used and demonstrating the practicability of engineering research.
The problems solved in dissertation should have a certain technology difficulty and enough workload. the Result achieved should be advanced, adequately representing the talent of the author who can solve actual problems and comprehensively use what he has learned.


同济大学汽车运输专业介绍 同济大学走出过哪些知名校友?

我首先想到的就是 甘其食的创始人——童启华。

2009年,甘其食仿佛是一夜爆红,杭州几乎每条大街小巷都能找出一家甘其食包子店。而这家连锁店的掌门人童启华,显然比甘其食更具传奇色彩。他是典型的 理工科 高才生, 同济大学缓戚 1995级,毕业于自动化控制专业,从不懂餐饮到做出极致的包子,童启华花了四年时间。在 长三角 刮起“甘其食”风暴后,他还把包子店开到了 美国哈佛大学 旁边。


而在同济大学里,两个主校区内都有甘包包的门店, 嘉定 校区里这家店位于校园生活区到教学区必经之路上,清晨来不及去食堂吃早餐的同学们总会在这家小店前排起长队。

当然还有 同济之魂—— 李国豪

他是同济大学历史上最优秀的代表之一,作为著名科学家,他在 结手巧构力学 和桥梁工程领域的重大系统性成就和开创性的贡献,举世公认。60年代著出学术著作阐明了 武汉大桥 的晃动问题和南京大桥的稳定问题,为此后我国大桥的设计扫除了诸多障碍;80年代成功解决了 宝钢 工程位移问题,同时节省了资金,缩短了工期;还对上海国际航运中心大小 洋山深水港 的立项和建设发挥了举足轻重的作用……




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