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5所大学专业介绍英语作文 介绍一个城市 英语作文


5所大学专业介绍英语作文 介绍一个城市 英语作文


假设你是李华,要用英语为朋友李明给一家外企负责人Brown写一封推荐信,要点如下1.专业:计算机软件设计 2.在校表现:成绩优秀,每年都获得一等奖学金,已获“优秀毕业生”的称号 3.性格:热情,积极向上,具有很大潜力,善于解决难题Mar.9th, 2014Dear Mr. Brown:Remending Mr. Li MingWe are glad to remend Mr. Li Ming, who is going to graduate this summer from the major of puter sofare design. Mr. Li has been doing very well in our university, with excellence in his studies, annual A-1 scholarship every year. He has just gained the tittle of "Excellent Graduate" of our university. He is enthusiastic and ready to help others. He learns quickly and can make great progress in his further career as he possesses high potentials. He is good at solving problems and thus we remend highly Mr. Li Ming for him to join your esteemed pany.For further information on Mr. Li Ming, please feel free to conact me via email lihua@ABC.edu.cn. Yours Sincerely,Li Hua纯手工翻译,希望帮助到了你。


介绍一个城市 英语作文

5所大学专业介绍英语作文 介绍一个城市 英语作文


Shanghai is a beautiful city. There are many tall buildings in Shanghai and the air in Shanghai is fresh and there are many green trees and flowers, birds are singing everywhere. Shanghai is a big international city, many people e from different places and countries are doing business here,Shanghai people are very nice and friendly.


上拦神海是个漂亮的城市,上海有很多高楼大厦,春衡前鸟语花香, 上海是国际化城市很多来自世界各地的人都来上海做生意,上海人很友好。

学校的哪些活动你喜欢什么写50字 英语作文

5所大学专业介绍英语作文 介绍一个城市 英语作文

学校的哪些活动你喜欢什么写50字 英语作文

Here is an introduction of my school's part time activity.It is my honor to show you .and today I would like to tell you something about the part time activities in my school. Our school has various activities outside class.the activities begin at 4;20 and end at 5'20 everyday.the groups on different subjects including go out visit, sightseeing, speech contests, art festival, volunteer activities, sports meeting and so on.
Among them, I would like to take part in the sightseeing and art festival the most. Because the activities are wonderful.
So I really hope that we can have less homework so we can have more time to participate in the part time activities to have a relax . hope you join us and enjoy every moment in my school !

写学校的那些活动在什么时间举行你喜欢那项活动写50字 英语作文

学期总结 时间过得真快,转眼间又快到这个学期的最后阶段了。回顾一下过去,刚来报到的那一天还历历在目,怪不得人们常说日月如梳!总结一下这个学期的各方面情况,大概可以归纳以下几个要点。 一、在学习上,比起第一学期有了很大的进步,各次测验的成绩也明显比以前有所提高。上个学期由于是刚来到崭新的大学校园,对这里的情况埋丛很不熟悉,特别是这里的上课时间,每节课是五十分钟,挺不习惯,经常坐不住,弄到每节课的最后几分钟都不自觉地分神,浪费了不少时间。经过上个学期的适应,这个学期基本上都可以习惯了这个学习时间制度,保证每堂课都认真听好听足。还有在阅读课外书的数量上有了大大的增多,不但坚持每个星期看至少两本专业书以上,还坚持每次看完之后就写下读后感,将重要的知识点记下来,使渗袭自己以后有时间就经常开启来看看。在做作业上,我每次都是自己的作业就自己做,不抄袭不作弊,至于写论文的作业就借助课外资料,希望以此可以提高自己的写作能力。在课余时间,我还丛液兄充分利用学校的图书馆资源,抓紧时间阅读各方面的书本知识,以求提高自己的知识面,拓宽自己思考问题的角度,从而多方面的考虑问题,避免片面看问题,养成不好的思考习惯。还有要说的一点就是选修课,这个学期我选修了房地产管理这门课程,这门课程属于经济管理系的内容,但由于我对这方面的兴趣比较浓,因此就报了来读。通过这个选修课,我大概了解到我国目前房地产的形势和基本的房地产知识,有一个比较概括的认识。我想这对我以后出来工作是有一定帮助的,毕竟在现代这个社会,掌握一定的经济知识是很必要的,房地产所介绍推销技巧,对于各个行业都是有用的。即使我以后不从事这个行业,我相信我都可以从这里得到一定的启发,起码在如何与人打交道上能够有个了解。在学习上,我认为还有一样东西是非常重要的,那就是学习态度!我以前对学习的态度不是很端正,常常都是“得过扯过”,不过现在好多了,我开始养成一种谦虚、勤问的学习态度。因为我知道学习上的东西来不了弄虚作假,是不懂就不懂,绝不能不懂装懂!要想在学问上有所成就,古今中外所有的成功例子都证明了只要保持这两种学习态度才行。所以,我一有问题就问同学和老师,直到弄懂为止。即使是朋友我也是这样,因为孔夫子说过“三人行,必有我师”,我想道理就在这里。 二、在生活上,我基本上都可以和同学们友好相处,和睦共处,互帮互爱,自己的事情自己做,形成独立自理自立的良好品德。 宿舍是一个大集体,八个人生活在同一个空间里面,但是各自的生活习性都不相,这就需要大家互相理解和迁就,只有这样才能和好相处,为我们的学习创造一个良好的学习和休息环境。这个方面我们宿舍就做得比较好。我初中就已经到外面读书,因此很早就过著一种集体生活,所以我比较会理解别人,当然,我们宿舍的融洽和谐关系还很大归属于我们每一个宿友。可是最我我觉得自豪的是,进大学以来,我从来没有一次光顾洗衣部,即使是在寒冷的冬天,我也坚持自己洗衣服,不给自己偷懒的机会。因为我知道惰性这样东西是培养出来的,只要不给它一次机会,它就永远没有可能成为现实中的东西了。还有的是,我在生活中,始终保持干净的作风,做到勤清洁,勤洗手,养成良好的卫生习惯。 三、在娱乐上,我觉得我收获最大就是学会了游泳,其次就是在娱乐的基础上增强了体质。这个学期学校规定要进行游泳考试,这对于我来说无疑是一个大挑战。因为我从小到大都不会游泳的,所以我打从心里觉得害怕和担心。不过经过老师的悉心教导和我自己的勤奋锻炼,我终于成功通过了这次考试。其次,我们每天下午都有很多体育活动,其中有跑步、打篮球、踢足球、打羽毛球等等,我就约几个朋友一起去跑跑步,虽然运动量不是很大,但也是锻炼身体的一种好方法,更是一种娱乐方式!现在我觉得我的身体素质已经增强了很多,不再象以前那样经常觉得很累,我想这是我在娱乐上的又一重大收获。 纵上所述,虽然我在这个学期有了一定的进步,可是我仍然存在不少缺点,还有很多需要改进的问题。例如,我在这个学期请假比较多,有些时候交作业不是很按时,利用星期六和星期日的时间不是很合理。人们常说,大学的生活是异常轻松和自由的,我也觉得的确是这样。但时间总是宝贵的,我不想成为虚度光阴的人,不想自己在老的时候后悔自己这样浪费时间。为了改正我以上不珍惜时间的缺点,我决定给自己制定以下一些措施,以便更好的督促自己。具体包括这几点: (1) 不是


My favourite animal
I love dogs, dogs are the cutest animal ever on earth. From *** all and cute ones to big and fierce ones. I love all kind of them. They say dogs are man's best friends. I agree with that because dogs are royal, friendly and fun to play with. Some of them are extremely cuddly and soft to hold and hug. While some of them are extremely royal and helps us guard all our properties.



英语作文 你喜欢你的新学校吗?

There is my new school covering an area of 1000 mu with a river which runs around the building.It's so beautiful that you almost fet to do what you are going to.If you walk on further,you will find a big flower bed which is full of all kinds of flowers,
and a tall building filled with hi-tech facilities to make our study easier and more convenient.Along the left bushes stands our canteen,where cooks provide delicious food every day to keep us healthy.If you are lucky,you will see birds which students and teachers raise together,and they always fly in the sky freely.
Ok,that's all.That is my new beautiful school!


Yesterday, we went to the beiling park with whole school teachers and students.We entered the park to see everywhere full of flowers, the road on both sides by tall Metasequoia. We all appreciate the beauty, she came to the playground. Amusement park roller coaster, bumper cars, carousel, Ferris wheel, pirate ship and so on. We get together enjoyable to play. Finally, we saw a four-dimensional movie. It was a happy and meaningful day.


I like birds,cats,dogs.Because they are cute and beautiful.They are our best friends.Such helping us,or playing with us.I am so happ to play with them.I think they are our friends.We can't live in the world without them.Animals are part of nature.


My favourite sport Among lots of sports basketball is my favourite .I fall in love with it the first time I touch it.I really enjoy the feeling when you shoot the ball right in the basket,it brings me much confidence not only in basketball play but also in my real life.And when you play basketball you can learn a lot from it.The ball gets up and down just like how the life is.And everytime it gets down it bounces back,I know from this point that when we are defeated by the difficulties in life we should just get up and move on.Also we realise the importance of team work from basketball. Well it is my favourite sport,and I believe you will like it too


I Love My School
I am studying in a middle school now, my school is near my home. I love my school, I can learn a lot in my school. The teachers teach me knowledge about math, Chinese and others things about life, these are important to me, I bee mature. I make many friends here, the first day I e to this school, I get to know my deskmate, in a few days, I get to know my clas *** ate, now I have a lot of friends, I feel so happy. In my school, the equipment is modern and we can use the newly invented resource. The environment of my school is also beautiful, the trees are tall, the grass is green. I love my school so much.


My Favourite Sport
Of all the sports,I like swimming best.I think swimming is interesting.It can build up my body too.In summer,I usually go to swim with my clas *** ates after school.I can swim so well that I was chosen as a member of our school swimming team.Last week there was a swimming match beeen Dong Fang Junior School and my school.I took part in the match and won the first prize.I enjoy swimming very much.


5所大学专业介绍英语作文 介绍一个城市 英语作文


选择目标 先决定你要怎么样的工作,然后写在一张白纸上。





列写教育程度 在你的目标下面,列举出你所受过的相关教育和训练。



重写你的工作目标 着手把你要的工作描述清楚。





要把英语作文写得好可以上英语培训机构,阿卡索外教培训就不错,点击蓝字免费领取,欧美外教试课:【 免费领取,外教一对一精轿高毁品课程 】跟着真人外教一对一学习地道英语。






展开全部 Dear Propriter: This is Lihua.It's my honour to send this letter to you.I am very interesting in your English drama club when I saw your picture poster.And I would like to jion the big family if you appove.I have many hobbies,such as English song,film,playing football.By the way,I am the the anization memeber in my class and I think they are my strength.My clas *** ate like me very much and they are all enjoy our class activies.I hope I can in charge of the anization task in your club.And I will be a good member in this club.I would like to show myself and practise my selfAnd I also can make many friend by this way. Hope you can give me the chance.Thank you very much. Waiting for your good news. From:Lihua...


Dear headmasterI'd like Simon to be the youngth winner of this year. Simon is a hard-working student. He is good at all the subjects. He loves sports very much. He is a football fan and he is one of the football members of our school team. Simon is always ready to help others and he always thinks others first. He often gives his seat to the old on the bus and he raises things for the Hope Project. yours Kate





难道我们还要让外国人专门为我们竖起“请勿践踏草坪”标牌这样的事继续吗?我们是有着五千年文明历史的礼仪之邦啊!让我们觉醒吧!让我们从现在做起,做一个文明的人吧!着装得体,语言文明,尊重老师,爱惜公物,爱护花草树木 我们都知道:我们时刻都离不开文明礼仪。






同学们,我们是祖国的未来,是未来人人欢迎、尊敬的文明的龙的传人! 现在,让我们闭上眼睛,感受一下:到处一层不染,绿草欲滴、鲜花灿烂,人们落落大方、温文尔雅地上班、上学、购物;处处那么祥和,那么温馨 同学们,这才是我们渴望的生活空间,让我们为了这样的空间,努力做一个文明的人吧!从我做起,从你做起,从现在做起!让我们互相监督,彼此激励,一起努力吧!

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帮忙写一篇英语作文吧 介绍哈佛大学的 200词左右 谢谢 在...

哈佛大学成立于1636年,其文理研究生院于1872年组建,是全美最古老的大学之一,迄今己培育出6位美国总统、29位诺贝尔奖得主和27名普利策奖得主。哈佛大学不但是美国*制定国内外政治、军事、外交政策的思想库,而且在校内,各种学术流派和政治主张都十分活跃。 不论从学校的名气、设备、教授阵容、学生素质方面,哈佛大学都堪称世界一流。具体来讲,它有近15亿美元的资产、获得最仔稿肢多的赞助、拥有全世界规模最大的图书馆、第一流学者和教授、千里挑一的录取者……。 哈佛大学本科生课程中的生物、化学、地质学、数学、物理、经济学、英文、历史、社会学、政治科学、心理学全美排名前5名,尤其是*研究(Government Studies)、经济(Economics)和社会研究(Social Studies)更为突出。哈佛大学首推为美国最好的大学,赢来了举世公认的学术口碑和崇高的国际声誉。 现在要提的是哈佛商科研究生院,它是MBA就读学校申请人数最多的研究生院,一直维持在6千人以上(每年只录取800人左右)。 90年代初,哈佛商科研究生院的MBA课程被批评为"个案比较空洞、不切实际"、"观点不够国际化"等等。从l996年开始,它的MBA课程作出了重大的改革,其中最惹人注目的就是,修读期从2年缩短为16个月,课程方面加强了"领导者训练、如何作出决定、商业道德、团队精神以及分析能力"等内容。 哈佛大学的医学研究生院和法学研究生院,也是全美闻名。


Harvard University, which celebrated its 350th anniversary in
l986, is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. Founded l6 years after the arrival of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, the University has grown from 9 students with a single master to an enrollment of more than l8,000 degree candidates, including undergraduates, and students in 10 graduate and professional schools. An additional l3,000 students are enrolled in one or more courses at the Harvard Extension School. Over l4,000 people work at Harvard, including more than 2,000 faculty There are more than 7,000 faculty appointments in afFlliated teaching hospitals.


Six presidents of the United States-John Adams, John Quincy Adams,Theodore and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Rutherford B. Hayes, and John Fitzgerald Kennedy-were graduates of Harvard. Its faculty have produced 34 NobeI Laureates.

哈佛产生了约翰·亚当斯、约翰·昆 西·亚当斯、西奥多及富兰克林·德来 诺·罗斯福、罗斯福德·B、·海斯和约翰· 弗斯杰罗涛·肯尼迪六位美回总统,并产 生了三十四位诺贝尔奖获得者。

Harvard College was established in l636 by vote of the Great and General Court of Massachusetts Bay Colony, and was named for its first benefactor, John Harvard

英文扒清作文 我的一封推荐信

展开全部Dear Sir:It is my pleasure to remend Mr. Fuping Wang for his application to graduate studies in your school. Mr. Wang has been my research assistant of the National Science Council's project- "The United States and the United Nations' Financial Crisis: The Role of U.S. Congress" since September 1997.His major responsibilities include information collecting, *** yzing and translating. He is an enthusiastic and progressive young man with extremely high potentiality. Mr. Wang is not only quick at learning and good at solving difficult problems, but also with a logical mind that enables him to effectively *** yze difficulties. All the work handed to him was pleted satisfactorily. Actually, he is so reliable that I assign him with heavy responsibilities.With his help, I have been able to spend more time in writing the research paper. I really consider myself very fortunate to have such a capable assistant. I am certain his diligence, coupled with a good petence and pleasant personality, will assure him of academic achievements in his future academic pursuits. I strongly remend his admission without any reservation.Sincerely yoursxxx

初三英语作文推荐信 推荐Simon做学生会主席的作文速度啊

I would like to remend Simon as the winner of this year's youth. He knows puters well. He often goes online to search information for our club. He studies very hard and often get high scores. He loves singing and does well in dancing. He loves doing sports too. When he is free, he often takes exercise. He is lovely, cute, kind. He often helps others and shares his happiness with others.

推荐信 去大学做志愿者英语作文

My name is Li Hua, I am a high school student, in the China Daily, Shanghai World Expo saw an ad recruiting volunteers, you think you qualify, I have in recent years, eighteen, good health and good English, can use daily to municate in English. I am happy to help others in life, with dedication. If I can bee a member of the volunteers, I was able to fifteen days of continuous service, willing to participate in the necessary training, subject to the management of the anizers. I want to give me a chance, I will strive to bee a good volunteer. I will be waiting for your reply.


HSBC has got the nod from China's banking regulator to set up a village bank in the central province of Hubei, being the first foreign bank to expand its business in the country's vast rural areas, HSBC announced on Thursday. The village bank will be opened in Zengdu District with a population of 2 million in Suizhou of Hubei Province at the end of 2007 and is expected to employ 25 people. "The new bank will provide financial service tailored to rural munities and local enterprises," said Vincent Cheng, chairman of the HSBC Bank (China) Company Ltd. Chinese farmers and rural enterprises currently have few places to get funds for their businesses. Official figures show Chinese farmers rarely obtain loans of more than 5,000 yuan. On Monday, the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) vowed to help more banking institutions to extend service in the rural areas as a way to upgrade the country's under-developed rural banking sector. At the end of 2006, the CBRC scrapped working capital limits for domestic financial institutions in rural areas so that banking neorks could be developed in the countryside. It also lowered the registered capital threshold to 3 million yuan (385,000 U.S. dollars) for banks in counties and 1 million yuan in villages and towns. The CBRC has approved six pilot schemes in six provinces including Qinghai and Gansu. Two of them -- Huimin village bank and Huimin finance pany -- began operations last Thursday in Yilong county of southwest China's Sichuan Province. HSBC has developed financial business in rural areas in Brazil, India, Indonesia, Philippine and Mexico.(Xinhua)


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